Monday, November 1, 2010

La Evolución Silenciosa

La Evolucion Silenciosa, (The Silent Evolution) is British artist, Jason de Cairnes Taylor's latest underwater installation involving 400 life size sculptures set 9m below the surface of the water off the coast of the Isla de Mujeres, Mexico.

Having landed on the scene with his 2002 'Visissitudes' cement sculptures, this ambitious piece is the artist's next offering to the developing MUSA,
'Museo Subacuático de Arte' - an underwater Museum. It's the fourth installation and the aim is to promote the interaction between art and ecology. There are several institutions involved in this Museum and they're aim is to directly tackle the degredation of the over visited marine environments of Yacatan's northern coral reef of the Cancun Marine Park by attracting eco-tourism with this artificial reef. The installation is perhaps significantly different to other sculpture parks not just because it's underwater but like a ship wreck, it constantly changes its form with time with the effect of the ocean environment. It will be really interesting to see what life takes shape here over the course of several years and decades and how the faces and features of the sculptures become weathered. The 400 figures are casts of typically normal people yet Taylor adds:

'I have a whole team of underwater helpers that come along and do all the finishing for me. The coral applies the paint. The fish supply the atmosphere. The water provides the mood. People ask me when it's going to be finished. This is just the beginning.'

check out the link for more deets . . .

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